Thursday, February 24, 2011

Current Reading List

I went to the library recently and found myself selecting several Christian fiction books. Actual fiction not my usual inspirational romances (or as one of my friends calls them "Amish porn" - no offense to the Amish, I actually kinda like their religion and totally respect them for living without modern conveniences).

Here's what I picked up:
  1. Unafraid by Francine Rivers. Its the last book in her series Lineage of Grace. The series explores the stories of "five unlikely women who changed eternity" - Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. Unafraid is Mary's story.
  2. The Priest, also by Francine Rivers. This is the first story in her Sons of Encouragement series and explores the story of Aaron. The other books are about Caleb, Jonathan, Amos and Silas. With both of Rivers' series, I thought I'd give them a chance and if I like them, then I have another eight books to enjoy. I haven't started either yet.
  3. Daughter of Deliverance by Gilbert Morris. This is Rahab's story and seems to have an underlying romantic story. I have started this one, and enjoyed it so far. However, I skipped some stuff. We all know that Rahab ends up a prostitute and the first part of the book tells how that happened. Knowing where she was going to end up, it was difficult for me to read and enjoy. However there is some important stuff in the first part. For example, Morris explores her apparent unhappiness with the gods of Jericho -- she doesn't think the prostitutes at Ishtar's temple are appropriate and she basically doesn't feel like the gods care. But she also wonders how the Israelites can just believe in one God. I'm looking forward to finishing it and will try to post my reaction to it, as well as the other books I checked out. This is also part of a series - the other books are about Jacob, Moses, Joseph, Abraham and Noah. Hmmm I definitely need to read the Joseph book, he is one of my favorites.
I also got two books on American history - one on women who influenced the Revolution and one on unknown heroes of US history. It was funny, I went in looking for books on the Civil War and left with one on the Revolution. Not really sure how that happened.

And to go with my apparent theme of God's plans for you -- "So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!" Psalm 31:24

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How I End a Freak Out

So last night I started freaking out over a variety of things (mainly money) and when I hit the point of tears, I went to bed. By the way, most of my freak outs like this are primarily caused by tiredness, so going to bed was the best option. So I turn out my light, curl up and wrap my hand around the cross I'd chosen to wear yesterday. I collect crosses and frequently just grab one on my way out the door.

As I lay there, the phrase "God never gives you more than you can handle" entered my mind. I started repeating that to myself over and over. Then Jeremiah 19:11 popped into my head again, about God's plans. And then a song - You Never Let Go by Matt Redman (which I had heard on the radio yesterday) popped into my head. The chorus starts "Oh no You never let go through the calm and through the storm." and that line joined the repeat in my head. I started reciting the 23rd Psalm to myself - "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."

And with all this in my head, I drifted off to peaceful sleep. And this morning, even though my worries are still there, I'm not so freaked out about them. As hard as it is, I just need to focus on the fact that He has plans for me and that He is with me always. And that no matter what happens, He will not give me more than He knows I can handle.

Its kind of nice to think that God knows you're capable even if you don't.